Come star meglio con un “trucco” – Edizione 2011

In occasione del mese di sensibilizzazione per il Tumore del Polmone,  WALCE promuove un programma itinerante nel territorio italiano  di laboratori di make-up per aiutare le donne affette  da patologia oncologica ad affrontare meglio la terapia  “Come star meglio con un “trucco” edizione 2011. Toccherà sette Regioni italiane e tre città spagnole: Barcellona, Madrid e Valencia.


Comunicato Stampa Novembre 2011


Un po’ di rassegna stampa:


Articolo Cronaca Qui 3/11/2011


Articolo La Stampa – TorinoSette 28/10/2011


Articolo quotidianosanità.it 5/10/2011


Articolo SetteNews



Articolo SetteNews – Torino


La brochure illustrativa in formato .pdf

Giovedì 3 novembre 2011, ore 16 – Bar Floris | Palazzo Marenco via Cavour, 16 – Torino

L’Invito Walce

Il comunicato stampa


Le tappe dei laboratori di make up:


3 novembre | A.O.U. San Luigi – Orbassano (TO)


11 novembre | A.O. San Giovanni –  Addolorata Roma


14 novembre | A.O.U. – Careggi (FI)


14 novembre | Istituto dei Tumori – Bari


17 novembre | A.I.L. – sezione di Cuneo  “Paolo Rubino”


21 novembre | Ospedale di Montecchio  – Maggiore (VI)


21 novembre | A.O.U. Parma


22 novembre | A.O. Cannizzaro Catania



Leggi anche: Come star meglio con un “trucco” | Speciale Festa della Donna 2012 November has been declared by GLCC (Global Lung Cancer Coalition) the “Awareness month for Lung Cancer”, and WALCE promotes itinerant make-over workshops in seven different Italian thoracic oncology divisions and 3 Spanish ones for helping women under cancer treatments to better cope with the side effects of the disease.


The name of this initiative is

“Come star meglio con un trucco. Edition 2011”

How to feel better with a “trick”


Thursday, November 3, for the 2nd year, the marathon of make-up led by WALCE for all the women following cancer treatments starts from Turin and will reach 7 Italian regions and three Spanish cities: Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia.

San Luigi Hospital – Orbassano (To); San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital – Rome; Careggi Hospital – Florence; Institute of Cancer “Giovanni Paolo II” Bari; Italian Leukemia Association Cuneo; Parma Hospital; Hospital of Montecchio (VI); Cannizzaro Hospital of Catania cooperate in supporting this project in Italy. AEACaP Association (Asociación Española de Afectados de Cáncer de Pulmón) – Valencia; Hospital of Vall d’Hebron – Bercelona; Hospital of Ramón y Cajal – Madrid will support it in Spain.

This initiative represents an important occasion to give correct and update information about a disease often underreported by the media, because its strong correlation with smoking habit. Lung cancer is one the leading cancer killers and each year about 35 000 people in Italy and over one million worldwide die because of it and unfortunately the number of cases do not decrease. WALCE (Women Against Lung Cancer in Europe), the association created to raise awareness among women in the fight against lung cancer, and to support people affected from lung cancer and their caregivers designed a free make-up workshop programme for women diagnosed with cancer and who are undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy or other cancer treatments to help them to cope with chemotherapy and radiotherapy side effects.

The programme is carried out in local hospitals and offers free make-up workshops, which are strictly non-medical and do not interfere with treatments.
WALCE organizes these sessions for small groups of women, because it is important to create a relaxed and familiar atmosphere for the participants. They take part in this two hour workshops lead by 1 or 2 professional voluntary beauticians who give them practical advice and teach them beauty techniques to help restore their appearance and self image during cancer treatment.

Maria Vittoria Pacchiana, psycho-oncologist at San luigi Hospital said “This is really a practical and support action that helping to improve the physical appearance of women contributes to improve their quality of life and foster a better adherence to the treatments. So it represents a further incentive in the daily battle against cancer. Silvia Novello, pneumo-oncologist and president of WALCE added “we would like that November becomes a real occasion for rising the awareness and the consciousness of people, because lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death and the stigmatization around these patients does not make sense anymore. It is important to give correct information on diagnosis and treatment options.




In Italy


3 NOVEMBER: San Luigi Hospital – Orbassano (To) – Thoracic Oncology Unit, Chief Prof Giorgio Scagliotti, Dr Silvia Novello

11 NOVEMBER: San Giovanni Hospital Roma – Medical Oncology Unit, Chief Dr Mariella Mauri, Dr Olga Martelli

14 NOVEMBER: Careggi Hospital of Firenze, Medical Oncology Unit, Chief Prof Francesco di Costanzo, Dr Fabiana Cecere

14 NOVEMBER: Tumor Institute of Bari – Medical Oncology Unit, Chief Prof Giuseppe Colucci, Dr Domenico Galetta

17 NOVEMBER: Italian Leukemia Association – Cuneo “Paolo Rubino”

21 NOVEMBER: Hospital of Montecchio Maggiore (VI), Medical Oncology Unit, Chief Dr Cristina Oliani, Dr Samuela Binato

21 NOVEMBER: Hospital of Parma, Medical Oncology Unit, Chief Dr Andrea Ardizzoni, Dr Marcello Tiseo

22 NOVEMBER: Cannizzaro Hospital of Catania – Medical Oncology Unit, Dr Giuseppe Banna


In Spain


15 NOVEMBER: Valencia; 21 NOVEMBER: Barcelona; 22 NOVEMBER: Madrid